The copyright of the website Crespi d’Adda

The web site of Crespi d’Adda is covered by Copyright. -the essays that tell the working village, its architecture and its incredible history, the information about how to visit Crespi d’Adda, the tour and how to enter, the photos, the video and the multimedial. Content are liable to copyright. The municipality of Crespi d’Adda is the owner of all the contents of the Crespi d’Adda web site.

Il sito web di Crespi d’Adda è in costante aggiornamento, pertanto i contenuti sono sottoposti a continue modifiche. Il Comune di Capriate San Gervasio si impegna a disporre le pagine del sito web di Crespi d’Adda con la maggiore accuratezza possibile, grazie a fonti autorevoli e di comprovata affidabilità. Tuttavia vengono messi a disposizione senza poterne garantire l’assoluta correttezza.

The historical photos of Crespi d’Adda are published on the web site, thanks to the kind permission of the Historical -archive of Crespi d’Adda, owned by the family Legler.

The reproduction of the web site of Crespi d’Adda

A complete or partial reproducion of the web site of Crespi d’Adda is eligible, but only prior written authorization. To obtain it you an email must be senta t the following address, declaring requesting party, the object of the reproduction, the channels and the ways used to realize the reproduction.

The authors of the web site of Crespi d’Adda

Finally the web site is the result of a teamwork, where different parties cooperated, with their love, and their talent, to realize this project. It could not have been possible without the funded of the municipality of Capriate San Gervasio, and without the technical contribution of Publifarm, the winner of the public call.